Circus Workshops for Accredited Learning
Suitable for: Alternative Curriculum Programmes/PRUs; home-schooled children; organisations working with NEET young people; youth clubs and projects.
Through his work as a professionally qualified youth and community worker, Tom from TK Arts has a wealth of experience in delivering and assessing accredited courses for young people using the Arts.
From learning and developing new talents, to passing on one’s own skills to others, it’s vital that the achievements of young people are recognised and celebrated, and that they’re given credit where it’s due.
Provided that a school or youth organisation is registered as a centre with the awarding body, TK Arts is able to deliver the following:
The Arts Award (Bronze and Silver available throughout England and Wales)
Level 1 Sports Leaders Award (using circus skills as the sport)
Duke of Edinburgh Award (using circus skills in Bronze Skills section)
Youth Achievement Awards (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum)
ASDAN Activity Short Course Award